Timing: Pre-orders will be taken until end of day 8/23/2024. This preorder is closed, but the logo will remain available on limited shirt styles as
Delivery Timing: These shirts will then be ordered from the screen printer for delivery by mid September 2024.
Shipping: These will be shipped to your doorstep anywhere in the U.S. You do not have to pick it up at an F3 Workout.
Front Logo: 3 inch F3 Logo in white screen print on center chest
Back Logo: F3 Columbia Dawnstrike (all styles below)
***Please note that The Sport-Tek Digi Camo Tee has a pattern that will be allowed to show through the printed logo to create a more textured effect on the logo***
If you need help picking the best shirt for you, please find a description, size guide, and measurements of each option on . If a shirt you want is not listed as an option on this pre-order, just email us at and we can help you with it.