If we close our eyes, we can almost see the whimsical drifts of pink Meadowsweet flowers swaying in a summer breeze. This unusual shrub is a delightful addition to that sunny, wet spot of your garden. Plant it and watch it sucker and spread to create a dense and colorful mass of interesting foliage, beautiful flowers, and bright fall color. Even in winter, the seed heads add moody interest to the outdoor garden or indoor flower arrangements.
The Meadowsweet we are offering was propagated at Stoneleigh from seed collected in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.
Conditions: Full sun; moist to occasionally wet soil
Size: 2' - 4' tall, 3' - 5' spread
Zone: 3 - 8
Wildlife Value: Flowers highly attractive to small native bees and pollinating wasps, flies, and beetles
Photos: Samantha Nestory